
Angels Care Toddler Classes

Age: 18 - 24 months

In this age group, students learn:

  • Gross motor skills, such as running and jumping
  • Fine motor skills, such as brushing their teeth
  • Emotional development
  • How to play with other children
  • Self-help skills, such as drinking from a cup, eating finger foods
  • Vocalizations of more sounds, words, and gestures
  • Their family’s names and appearances (first learning about “Me” time)

Angels Care is committed to the healthy development and education of your child. We’re aware that each child will progress at their own pace, so we watch for any signs of delayed development. 

We are committed to caring for your child and providing an environment that nurtures them. Utilizing years of research about what is best for kids, our bilingual curriculum, developed by Frog Street, will create a developmentally appropriate learning experience tailored specifically to children’s needs.

Do you have a child to enroll in our Toddler class?

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